Wednesday, June 22, 2011

3x5 Folded Card

Thanks Script Noir Thank You 3x5 folded card
Click here to browse our popular thank you card designs.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bop it... Twist it... Bump it... Maybe just bump.

Have you ever wanted to share an app with someone but couldn't figure out how to do it short of e-mailing them a link to the app store or using word of mouth? Well, NO MORE! Now, you can bump apps and more to your friends using an app simply called "bump" for Android and iPhone.

There isn't much to explain, really. Once you open the app, you simply select different items that you want to share with your friend and bump fists (literally) for the files to be transferred. Your friend must also have the app...

I love this app. You won't use it every day (unless you're sharing apps like it's going out of style). However, this is the easiest way to share apps, information and images with friends versus just sharing by e-mail and trying to tell them what it is. You can instantly show they after you bump!

I use this app to share with my fiancĂ© all of the time. We both like exploring new apps once in a while, and this has been useful in sharing anything we've found interesting. It has also been useful to share images with family members when we visit them so they can have a digital copy on hand (instead of just flipping through albums or paying for prints).

Short post today. However, we are getting into summer and a couple of great vacation apps for Android, iPad, and iPhone like Oh, Ranger! and Foursquare.