Thursday, March 3, 2011

What are these app things?

These days, everyone is going on about "apps." You can blog with this one or word process with another. There are apps that create lists, help you shop, organize your life, and check up on your kids. There are even apps that help you share apps. I won't even begin to name the thousands of game applications that exist! Why am I creating a blog about apps? Let me take you back a week.

In a world where your iPod can already sync to your WiFi connection and allow you to video chat and instant message from more places than your office, it would make sense that people would want these capabilities in a phone. Until last week, my entire family had been suffering the unnecessary frustration of the worst phone ever manufactured. We've all had phones that just don't work and aren't worth the money to deal with. We were suffering from a terrible case of the LG EnV Touch.... This particular phone should not be counted on Verizon's best phone deals. This phone reset itself, changed all of the sound and touch settings, dropped calls, told you there was no battery after you just took it off the charger, etc.... When the conversation started that we had upgrades and needed new phones, we all were looking at different ones. My father wanted the Blackberry Storm 2, my mother and I wanted the iPhone 4, and my sister could not make up her mind. After time playing with friends' phones and talking and arguing, three of us got the iPhone 4. My sister bought the Droid 2 Global. My sister and I have owned iPods in the past. Our familiarity with apps comes from months of using the iPod touch and the iPad. We understood what was out there and how to use it. Explaining what apps are and what they are used for to our parents??? That is months of unneeded stress and fighting.

Having parents born over 40 years ago, I understand that some people need apps explained to them in a simple way. They need suggestions instead of doing what most people do: going through a million apps to find the ones that we love (the trial-and-error method). We've taught our parents how to use the preloaded applications on their phones and even shown them how to download and search for other applications they might like. However, they usually just have us find ones that work for them.

So, my proposal is this blog. Here, I will post photos and information about different useful applications that I have found out there. I will explain what it is used for, why you might want it, and different alternatives of the same app should you not like the one I love. I will try my best to include which applications are available for Android and Blackberry, as well. I will also feature apps suggested by YOU, the readers. If you have an application you like that more people should know about, send it my way so I can write about it here!

Which apps will I feature first? Here's a short list to provide you with what's coming!
  • TiKL (talk over wifi or 3G like a walkie-talkie)
  • Bump (Easy and fun way to share apps, photos, and more)
  • Genius Scan (Take photos of documents and send them as PDFs)
  • AllRecipes (Your free trip to a world of thousands of yummy recipes)
  • Grocery iQ (Grocery List in your pocket, even lets you scan items to add to the list!)

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